Saturday, March 8, 2025

Viola And The Violets

Pure grace
sits with each shy flower,
she sings a song to light the sky,
the violet crown opens wide
and all the love for deep inside
is with you.

The quiet times,
low to the ground
are where the petals softly seek
to find some Ones and lift their hearts
higher than they feel within,
but true to all who see
their beauty in the green,
whose weeping tears are not unseen
but are rising now to form light mist
for all those missing being kissed.

I live with the violets.
Always did and ever will.
They call to me,
they help me grieve
what I know and do perceive,
for violet paths are lined with hearts.
This was written June 2, 2019.
It is a re-post to Come Blossom Come Fruit

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