Saturday, March 8, 2025

Viola And The Violets

Pure grace
sits with each shy flower,
she sings a song to light the sky,
the violet crown opens wide
and all the love for deep inside
is with you.

The quiet times,
low to the ground
are where the petals softly seek
to find some Ones and lift their hearts
higher than they feel within,
but true to all who see
their beauty in the green,
whose weeping tears are not unseen
but are rising now to form light mist
for all those missing being kissed.

I live with the violets.
Always did and ever will.
They call to me,
they help me grieve
what I know and do perceive,
for violet paths are lined with hearts.
This was written June 2, 2019.
It is a re-post to Come Blossom Come Fruit

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Candles Shine Within Our Hearts

I thank these mauve crocus
for being 'the shining ones'.
My quiet companions, who rise,
while the soil is warm and the sky is light.

They are silent. They are bright.
They are a community of flower souls
to shine their saffron lights.
They illuminate all gentle ones,
who wait 
until the call is heard, to go deeper.
We are here,
to share and care for others.

Possibilities are seen
when a tiny white bud comes through the dry soil.
I am deeply heartened every year,
and delightfully
I cheer to welcome the crocus,
as they present into a new community,
inspiring me to see,
that even after a fiery summer,
the brave will show the way,
and sing the call of beauty
with grace and hope today.
This is a re-post from Match 18, 2020.
So far, there are 14 crocus stems this year. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

This Dawning Morning

I have a deep sadness
that dwells in the depth of my being. 
I release old stories
I live close to nature
I am a healer and a mystic
I know I feel whole, and I know I feel broken.
God I am so tired.
My body has a frailty I do not understand
I live in the present holding the light.
I found myself
I found my father
I nurtured my mother
in ways, she did not know, or understand. 
I feel I am slipping away this day,
and all around are blooming flowers,
quiet ripples and gentle rain,
as a new day has come again.
So, I will go on into this one.
This is a re-post from December 2020 when I heard the poem.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Roses Are Red Eyes Are Blue

He came as a lovely 'visitation',
dressed up and neatly shaven, 
never ever did he look this calm
as when he touched my arm
and slid beside me
on a street-cafe bench-seat.
They say you know when grace arrives.
You hear the words singing through 
the silent lift of spirit surrounding you.
And then his face was very close.
His shirt was the white linen best,
that one he wore,
when he was laid to rest.
He looked so well, his eyes were blue.
I looked into his face and said,
You are not dead?!
I remained still.
I was so happy to see him.
Then, the last lingering vision,
was that these new-blue eyes 
were wearing?
the wonderfully white linen shirt!
With the 'knowing' of mourning,
this joy will be
within me.

This is a re-post from that day in November, 2021
First I only saw the up-close face, then
as the image faded I saw the linen shirt.


Sunday, February 9, 2025

To Be A Poem

"I believed I wanted to be a poet,
 but deep down,
 I just wanted to be a poem." 
Jaime Gil de Biedma
Photo credit:
Dan Gray,

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Good Is What Works

 "By following the right Guide,
  you will learn the simplest of all lessons:
"By their fruits ye shall know them,
 And they shall know themselves."

A Course In Miracles TEXT
Foundation For Inner Peace

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Lead Kindly Light

Yes I look deeply at the flowers
I listen to their whispers,
I cherish every bloom
I gather for my room.

And as every season comes and goes
I love to share my joy,
even if I only send
a photograph to a friend,
the bloom will sing
and everything will be shining.

What I share with you today
is this absorbing Lilac Light,
which called me over like a distant star
guiding and lifting my day,
each petal, in the beauty way.

To be with Lilac is for me,
the greatest joy
the softest smile
the gentle blessing, as I pass by,
fills my heart and scents the sky,
so as there is an angel singing,
I hope my words will boost the bringing
of this simple star,
from over here, to where you are.

May kindly light be with you.

May you feel some comfort and know
how flowers have the answer to the question.
In quiet times,
all things come to pass.
May you know peace in your heart.
This is a re-post, of a verse written with the Lilacs in my garden, October 2019

Friday, January 3, 2025

Those With Wings Sing

I come this way 
with you today
I come to hear you cry.

Your sobbing comes
the weeping stays
the crying starts for days and days.

The wailing has all been within.
The rain has come, monsoons begin.
And previously,
it all has been silently.

Strangers help.
They do their best.
This time in life has been a test
to breaking point
to release your pain.
"Go to sleep again"
some man said two nights ago
and he will never hear or know your story.
Glory, Glory.
You are not his 'Calling'.
Seems appalling.
Now deep within comes your healing.

This is not your deepest sorrow,
this, brings the sign
tomorrow comes.

Here comes tomorrow.
Feel your sorrow.
Raise it higher.
Every tear-drop on the floor 
brings the river to your door.
Brings high Spirit to sit with you,
leaves old fears to wash away.
This day will lift you to the sky.

Blessings be my precious one
I know, you are not alone.
I pray with you this very day
on tears you swim away.

Peace begins.
Your heart does sing.

Now I am awake.
I sit with you.
I hold your hand from across the land.
Please understand
'there is no place far away'
we are all with you This day.

Blessings, Peace and Love
This verse woke me up at 1.32am today,
April 17, 2018
I re-post this 'Song' today January 4, 2025,
as my precious mother died over 6 years ago
and I continue to release sorrow
with my mother, my-Self and our ancestors.