Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The Singing Bird

Before dawn and evening tide
my local blackbird friend
flies high into the Melaleuca sky
to sing her song,
her glorious song
and I know we all belong
in the flowering gardens of life.
Let us unite.
May we sing
may we bring the light we have to share
and hold it high to travel far
through the skies of life wherever we are.
Let us share our songs around the world
Let love come in and gentleness bring
new days to peacefully gather and sing.
Love and goodwill be with each of you,
wherever you are under the stars, 
Blessings and peace,
Bee xo


Thursday, November 28, 2024

Love In The Mist

When old sad stories
come to view
and seemingly we fade,
take heart Dear Ones
Grace calls again
and only the love remains,
Only the love remains
Only the Love remains.
Written December 8, 2018

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Who Sits With The Flowering Moss

Soft and gentle was the way
to enter into this spring day,
hard and strong does not belong
where the worms work and live, 
where the heart dwells, 
where forgiveness brings 
blessed peace to sleep.

If I were a bird flying by
I would see the green and know
a landing pad lies below.

I see now, as above so below,
as we live, so we go
further along or to and fro,
rolling over hills or falling off cliffs,
we think and we drift
we sink or we lift
up, to a higher place.

We sit with the mossy bank,
in the forest with the trees.
Be with us please. 
Written September 2020
Dear Friends,
This is a re-post for the times we are in. 
I took this photo 9 months after this area was scorched black by wildfire.
The native trees were destroyed, the wildlife and birds were gone.
I wept when I found this moss healing the devastated earth.
Love Bee 

Monday, November 25, 2024

Close Up

Remember when
you dressed my wounds
and told me then
you would always love our times together,
but that was never
what it seemed
as you were always,

And returning,
but not really here.
You were bleeding
all over the place,
and never facing
what was true,
never being the real you.

Sometimes you still
call in
to see,
what is going on with me.

Here today is my plea. 
Hear me. 
Stay a while and listen to my heart beat, 
come in closer and really meet,

What Joy that would be 
Defenselessness for me to see,
Generosity to give away all you value here,
and Patience now, and for all time, 
Faithfulness with an Open-mind.

If every word was ever heard,
Love would sing, and light would bring,
a truly wondrous way to be
living with Simplicity.

This came to me on June 4, 2019
As a student I now find different ways into the verse.
This is a re-post from 2019 with a photo taken on November 14, 2024
at Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens, Crafers, South Australia

Friday, November 15, 2024

The Light Within

In the gold is a bag of gold
and lo and behold I am told
it’s always there.
Abundance flows
and he who believes is she who knows
and in this light and all around
there is gold dust to be found.

And where you seek is in your heart
and where you dwell is within
and there within
in your heart center
is the one:
your life mentor.

So go within and there is gold.
Spread the precious dust you find
to all around and leave behind
anything that no longer is
an essence of the way you feel.
Bring yourself to the well
and presently she who is
is she who dwells.
So here you are happily
being yourself and being free.

The gold, it’s true is inside you,
the well it sits within
so draw your life’s flow
from the bubbling stream
and light will shine
so leaves will gleam
and flowers are the gifts for you:
petals soft and colors rich,
this is the way of Nature’s gifts.

Bring yourself the gems there are
and share the light from every star
and live the way your heart knows true
so being yourself is healing you.

Written with a single rich magenta colored,
tree peony flower on October 13, 2014
It was the first and the only bloom.
This photo was taken in a windstorm,
and the verse came to me
as I saw the golden pouch-Doctrine of Signatures,
when I uploaded the image on my camera.
This is a re-post from Come Blossom Come Fruit,
October 2014.

Glorious Flowers For You

Candle Larkspurs blooming today
in Mt Lofty Botanical Gardens, Crafers, South Australia


Sunday, November 10, 2024

Moss Is Mostly Silent

This is seeded moss
being mostly out of sight
and likely in-between
where it was in the winter rains
or where it may flower again.
You know there are possibilities
of one day 
being in a moss green place
where you see someone in a forest 
so you may silently pass by
or maybe
feel invited to sit, rest, and wonder why.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Stepping Through

There are times when we are 
just walking by under a blue sky
and a sign steps you sideways
changes that day
and the next
as what you thought was the best 
to follow along on your path
was suddenly shifted to become
a few days where you go elsewhere
and answer a call out of the blue
to help someone else
and to support them through
in ways you never dreamed
to change all that was
to all it may help us be
clear to surrender what had mostly been
a life that came to include
someone who was not there for you.

I see it differently now
It was not us, and it was not me
who created his life
as he always was and continued to be
nine years old it seems.
So I came to be with you 
to farewell your Dad from this life,
from all the times he abandoned you,
we come to see 
in his lifetime, new ways were not to be.
We may now go on and leave him free.
And we know now,
we are shown new paths to follow
with love surrounding us
so in our hearts we may remember
a few times when we all had fun
sharing a brighter love.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Who Sits With The Flowering Moss 102

Who sits with the flowering moss
We sit with the mossy bank,
in the forest with the trees.
Be with us please.

Moss is such a glorious species with soothing
colors, textures, delicacy and plumpness.
It is soft
It is tender
It is gentle
Go quietly by
Love and great kindness be with you.

Who sits with the flowering moss 102
We do -
We see deeply into the grass
Our good feelings last
Now we say -
"We freely walk on. We can handle this"
Spirits ride beside us.

Beloved Dad, Happy birthday to you, 102
Blessings, Joy, peace, ease, and great Love, B xxxoo

Sunday, October 20, 2024


"Spurt into the space you are facing."
Spurt - to show marked, usually increased,
activity or energy for a short period.
This is the waking message
I received
to boost creativity in my Bloom-Room
Start now
One thing at a time
Then the Next One

Friday, October 18, 2024

Handwashed For Years

Over the years I have received
many family handkerchiefs
embroidered beautifully
which have safely stayed with me.
I have shared your grief and genes 
my gardens are the beauty
of all our previous plants and seeds.
My life has come to flower
on the paths that came for me
so I happily
take your hand-washed cloths
into this life I see.
My gratitude is tender
my love does deeply ride
along whatever comes my way
so often-times I cry
and oftener in every while
I weep to let me smile.
But life continues
as we are here a certain time
so it is often how it is
'many things are tucked-away' inside
a special container in the chest
where we save our best.
So they stay
there for comfort in sorrow
and then
we hand wash them clean
press them flat
and fold them neatly back
into that place until we face
more occasions in the morrow
where some home beauty in the every-day
helps us wipe our tears away.
Dear Friends,
I thought a long time about handkerchiefs,
from our ancestors, and those found
in homes, boxes or drawers.
Some end-up donated to the opportunity shop.
Folk told me they keep the best
to use at funerals, though most often
any tears were held for private times.
People hide their feelings.
They make cups of tea
and become 'the jolly one' in the sad times.
Most women told me
they use everyday hankies, 
and good ones stay in their handbags.
I use my Mums, Dads, Grans and Nannas
and I know, in life, Mum, Dad and I
used them most, and held them close.
Love Bee xxo

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Healing Inside Out

That church bell
is wringing slowly
with a million miles 
to go
every -  body
is going slow
Some of them know
every -  thing
has its own time
to cross the line
to Glory.
We will know
when we know
we will go
step - by - step
Just bless the strain
Bless the rains
Part 2
I am running 
for cover
with my gloves in my hands
Will the flowers
still bloom
if the room
is empty
and I go to the forest
and I call to the trees
Take cover
shelter your leaves
(This literally was a sleep message on September 9th 9/9
with the healing theme of defenselessness)

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

I Smile To Your Heart

Oh Mr Spoonbill
I smile to your heart
for there is always
this deeply simple lift of spirit
to be walking slowly by
as you are stalking
or just slowly walking through
the early morning reflections of this day.
My smiling heart reflects
this stillness you perfect
so let all peace shine-on strong in you.
Photo Credit: SJ, Great Egret, Geelong, Victoria, Australia 

Monday, September 30, 2024

Tell Me One More Time

I took this photo on September 26, 2024 
as I was playing one of my favorite songs,
on endless repeat and singing,
and also had been writing an eulogy,
in retrospect, for my Dad and Mum.
And yes it was 2 days before Kris died,
in his home in Hawaii, on September 28, 2024.
He was 88 years old.
So I was bringing us altogether
one more time, like the old days.
And next day I was playing 'This Old Road",
another in that trilogy of albums,
the other being "Feeling Mortal".

The framed poster
of Kris Kristofferson with his guitar at the 2008
Live At The Olympia Theater- Dublin, Ireland,
is one of my collection, and came with the CD
'Closer To The Bone'.
It has the lyrics which are rolling on the rhyme.
So brilliant and quintessentially Kris, 
and why I repeatedly love singing with the album.
'Tell Me One More Time',
 is title of song by Kris Kristofferson.
I have been buying and playing his albums since 1971,
and do listen very often so I know all the lyrics.
I saw him solo live in concert in Adelaide in 2019.

Here are some words written yesterday on
"As with so many of Kristofferson's songs,
he whispers in your ear from some kind of warm
and transcendent philosophical place, 
offering comfort, perspective,
and the possibility of hope when all is lost.
'For The Good Times',
is a masterclass in empathy and simplicity,
being able to capture
the most complex angle on the human condition,
all with a few well-placed words.
I'll be listening to these songs forever."- Henry Wagons
Blessings, peace, truth, freedom and big-hearted Love,
will live on for The Pilgrim.
My heart is deeply grateful for all his creativity 
and deep soul expression.
Love Bee xo


Friday, September 27, 2024

Blue Light And Blue Skies

Today your Lilac
is gloriously blooming
in the sky above your small grave.
As I walk by many times,
all the gnomes are always present
while little pixie friends play.
I reached some flowers.
See them here for you.
Butterflies now grace our garden
as golden dandelions shine,
I see you resting in the violet leaves
of where you came to be.   
There is blue light with me at night
as I lie in a warm bed
listening to blackbirds singing in the dark,
calling the dawn of morning.
My heart is with you Bobby, and the lilacs.
This is my 700th post to Come Blossom Come Fruit.
When I started here in August 2012 Poppy, my Italian Greyhound
was with me constantly, so, in my deep grief,
many lovely verses came to me when she died
in early September 2013.