Saturday, April 30, 2022

Tender Companions Of The Heart

"When you call to your healing.....
Life brings joy and sorrow, 
tender gifts and companions of the heart,
sometimes sudden death and feeling great loss.
My nourishment is the memory:
"My deepest grief came to me 
when I was loving deeply"

November 19, 2021


Thursday, April 21, 2022

A Road Traveller's Note

This note was found in an old travel-bag:

Magpie dead beside the road
it's mate up in the tree
will fly on
missing it endlessly. 
- Beside the road, Ballarat2Burrumbeet, August 2011 -

Friday, April 15, 2022

Unattended Sorrow

"I went to a place where my son drowned, 
and I stood with a friend.
And later she said, 'Come on. I'll buy you a journal and you can write. '
And I said no. I started crying. I said I couldn't write.
I've never been able to write in a journal before.
And then, at some point last winter,
when he had been dead six months or so, I began to write.
And it became kind of like automatic writing. It just came out."
This is a quote from Anna, 
written by Stephen Levine, in his book "Unattended Sorrow: 
Recovering From Loss and Reviving the Heart."
Rodale Press, USA 2005

Photo taken with the Windflowers at Lambley Nursery,
Ascot, Victoria, March 2023

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Still Here

Some days
we look for something to brighten our way
so here you are this morning,
still here,
a little bloom in the greenery room 
as this eastern sunshine lifts us all, 
and you flower-on,
long after your community have gone
to seed, 
yet we indeed greet,
and colourfully in our silence say
'the hush of Heaven holds our hearts today'*


Saturday, April 2, 2022

Dear Maiden-Hair I See You There

Dear Maiden-Hair I see you there,
in amongst the bracken fern and wattle seed
and I wonder what you say to me
about new life under the Keeper Tree?
the ground-growth is fresh and bright
but all canopies were burnt that night.
Now, we hear you whisper to the air,
we saw you looking in the nest of grass
so we tell you truly it was a happy day,
when 2 whistler chicks flew away.
The kangaroos have returned,
they bound around but don't eat ferns,
we are safe, and waiting for soaking rain
so birds will fly the sky again."