Thursday, December 29, 2022

Bless My Soul

'Bless my soul', I hear me say,
'this is a beginning day'.
You welcome a new life along the way to joy.
There are easier days when all is well,
when life is flowing,
as you sleep more hours in blessed silence.
Flowers grow abundantly.
As autumn calls to calm, we birth anew,
so higher Love rises too.
Call to All Grace you pray to see
radiating harmoniously.
This photo is the Cosmos radiance,
looking as if the glorious bloom is floating.


Sunday, December 25, 2022

The Star Of Heaven

Be a light unto the world
Be the love that life enfolds
Be the Bringer
Be the Giver
You are the star that Heaven holds.
Merry Christmas
Joyous Blessings for New Year 2023
This is the Day Lily in our Christmas Garden.
Greetings to all, 
Love Bee and Bobby  xo

Saturday, December 24, 2022

An Inner View

"As a child I felt myself to be alone,
and I am still,
because I know things and must hint at things
that others apparently know nothing of,
and for the most part do not want to know.
Loneliness does not come
from having no people about one,
but from being unable to communicate
the things that seem important to oneself,
or from holding certain views
which others find inadmissible."
Dr Carl Jung
Portrait of French Lavender blooming Christmas Day

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Birds Are Winging

"Forgiving you was the best
thing I ever did. Forgiving you
set the bird of my heart winging
through the universe"
Mirabai Starr
Wild Mercy 
Words by mirabai starr, author of Wild Mercy
Artwork by Willow Brook

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

In Quietude With You

Sitting here on the earth with you
I am guided through
connection to the mystery
the unknown is a gift
a heavenly lift
a treasure to view
up-close to you.

You see me 
silently listening to you.
You hear me blessing our earth
and calling Love and pure mirth
to sing carols of joy
with prayers of peace
for softness dwells beneath.

So, walk on gently.
Sing your heart songs.
We all long to belong
in peaceful places with beautiful spaces.

Blessings and Joy
for a quiet festive season
with our New Earth rising
with great goodness coming
for one and all
creatures great and small. 
I wrote this Christmas week 2 years ago on December 18, 2020
But my feeling is,
I would like to read it over and over again myself
to calm my inner being in these times on Earth.
Another Goodwill or New Seasons Greetings may arrive
for me to share with you as well.
Time will tell...
The flower is blooming here in the new summer sun, 
December 8, 2022
It is beautifully luminous in the garden -
Lychnis coronaria or Rose campion

My heart is with you all, and I send warm love,
Peace be with you,
Bee xo 


Sunday, November 27, 2022

Looking Through Glass

When I feel like life is looking into glass
I ask, why this path?
Is it time to go where new horizons show?
Another day another way.
The path for you is brilliant blue
so perhaps this new view
will lead you to all you knew was calling you
to begin anew.
Now truly follow where your heart leads you.


Saturday, November 26, 2022

Flowering Green Grasses

There is a master plan before me
as I travel on flooded paths
I see flowering grasses shimmer.

I see synergy now
where before I saw
charcoal trunks of absolute black
after the wildfires.

On this spring evening
green tree leaf growth, ferns and maidenhair
are returning everywhere.
Yet there is no canopy above,
so no bird calls do I hear,
as silence brings our hearts to sing
joy for these new times happening.

Photos taken 22/11/22: November 22, 2022


Saturday, November 19, 2022

All Of The Above

Yellow light
light behind the blue eyes
blue rising above the sky.
Clouds rise and float away
I thank my fears
I release old stories
I invite the learning you bring to me
I set you and myself free
All of the above is all within me
I see you
I know who you are
You are the golden stars
You are my light embracing me
I see, I see
I see all of The Above
I see with Love
The photo is Australian Native plant: Hibbertia sandcens

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Like Coloured Glass

And the peace lovers, the gentle, kind-'feelers'
are locked down and frozen in the ice of embedded trauma.....

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Seeing More Than Before

Yet betwixt between the seldom seen
comes the possible
the probable
the opening
the advancing
the beginning
the living
the times which tell the way to go
the times which tell who will then know
what lies ahead,
what sits within
what calls your name
what invites you in
to all there was you never knew
and all there is beside you.
So open wide and take the steps
the way you go is lit with light
the way you go is within sight
and all you never knew
fills your heart with what is true. 

This was a dream message which woke me up
and I quickly wrote it on a notepad under my pillow.
Written Monday July 25, 2016 at 4.58am.
This verse haunts me. It has 3 titles over the years.
Truth is a long time coming to light.
It is deeply hidden until the soul lights the way.
This full moon morning was 3 days ago,
when I took the photo, I was wide awake,
at 4.13am on October 11, 2022

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Where Fungi Grows

Here there once were some tall pines.
Less than 3 years ago, they were erased by wildfire.
Now there is a large community of Fungi
networking through those tree roots.

"When you are praying person, your life is a spiritual hike.
As you walk any path you pray,
live, support and listen to what has happened
because the sacred places and lands have their own energy.
These are collective energies from previous generations."
- Grandmother Flordemayo - Mayan Elder,
Curandera, Universal Healer,
Visionary and the Founder of The Path.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Come With Me

In my contemplation,
while looking at the sky
I see the pond of plenty reflecting clouds to me
but only when I look again,
do obstacles just leave.
As these were all illusions 
I more readily pass them by
as every bird that ever lived
knows Our Vastness is the sky
so releasing limitations
'lifts us up' to fly. 
I hear my soul singing, 'Come With Me'
you will surely See 
your sky is now cloud-free.

Embracing All Of Me

I embrace you
I reconnect you to the heart of Life
You are safe
You are sound
You are treasured
You are a safe place in the heart of Love.
I fully embrace all of me
I fully embrace all of you
We are deeply and fully embracing our Earth
We are deeply healing our Souls.
I am feeling safe
We are feeling ourselves feeling safe.
We are All One
We are here to embrace All of Us 
Be Still and Know You Are Loved
Be Still and Know You Are Loved
Be still and know Love lives within


Saturday, October 1, 2022

A Visiting Tulip

And here you are! From God Knows where?
a lovely Tulip in the rain,
possibly pink, is what I think.
What a delightful thrill in every way
to welcome your grace and poise today.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

A Safe Place To Be

Placing all in place
saving all as safe
being true to my true Self
shining bright in morning light.
Yes I am here
change is all around
I will be safe and sound here and now.
Radiating creative joy
filling my cup to the brim
to begin to fully live
to really be, content within me.

Photo: first sweet blooms of Viburnum carlessi


When Beloved Pigeon 707 Circled For Home

When 'the beloved 707 mealy hen' flew home
she had purpose
she had direction
she was under the threat of hawks,
thirst, hunger and exhaustion. 
The mealy hen
knew when
to just keep flying
on her instinct.
She 'circled for home'.
600 miles to go.
Days later, she saw The Landing Platform,
her happy old caring friend,
her flock, safety, nourishment and care.
She got there..........
Her feathers live on, long after she has gone.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Meeting The Shadow

Remember when
you dressed my wounds
and told me then
you would always love
our times together
but that was never
what it seemed
as you were always
And returning
but not really here.
You were bleeding
all over the place
and never facing
what was true,
never being the real you.
Sometimes you still call in
to see
what is going on with me.
Here today is my plea.
Hear me.
Stay a while
and listen
to my heart beat
come in closer
and really meet
What Joy that would be
Defenselessness for me to see,
Generosity to give away
all you value here
and Patience now and for all time,
Faithfulness and an open mind.
If every word was ever heard
Love would sing
and light would bring
a truly wondrous way to be
living with simplicity.

Dear Friends,
I have been transforming trauma and deeply healing Self, 
particularly in past 7 years.
And along the way 
I came to understand what 'comes intuitively',
also 'arrives' to meet the shadow.
I wrote this verse on June 4, 2019,
and I thought, at the time, that it was a Revelation.
It is indeed, a very deep truth speaking to me.
Here is my voice memo, a brief 1.17 minutes of My Reading this verse.
Love and Peace, Bee xo


Saturday, September 3, 2022

Violas and Answers For You

Sweet One you are always in my heart.
Going Within, the message I bring
is deep guidance, deep listening.
"Impulse Healing".
Must follow impulse.
But wait.
Wait, until The Impulse Comes.

You Sweet One Are Free

Where do you go to my lovely
when sleep greets your old painted door
shall we walk through violets together
now we see
the ground is amass
of heart-leaves and blessed blooms
as I return to the room
where Love dwells
where golden-ness expands
to reach the sands of the ocean floor
is there more
to bring to you
My Beloved it is True.
You have it all,
all the time and wherever you may be
in the golden dell
you, Sweet One, are free.

Monday, August 8, 2022

What Is True

Yet betwixt between
the seldom seen
comes the possible
the probable
the opening
the advancing
the beginning 
the living
the times which tell
the way to go,
the times which tell
who will then know
what lies ahead,
what sits within
what calls your name
what invites you in
to all there was you never knew
and all there is beside you
so open wide
and take the steps
the way you go is lit with light
the way you go is within sight
and all you never knew
fills your heart with what is true.
This came to me while I was sleeping July 25, 2016 
Photo: Mali Maeder 19 July 2022