Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Being With This Full Moon

You are all here
All of you is here

Easter Full Moon 4.44am March 30, 2021

Monday, March 29, 2021

This Gift Is Here To See

As Morning Glory is climbing over flowering Ivy,
before leaves fall from the tall tree
we see this marvelous trilogy. 
Autumn here in the valley


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Web of Reciprocity

Today you are smiling in every way
so all my efforts to save your roots
to allow air and sunlight in have been most rewarding.
With great intensity you and me
kept calling strength to see the way
as I focused my action each long day
carefully working with my hands
to shape your crown and more importantly
remove all root invaders, to clear your ground.

Now I am feeling relieved
as we have survived to thrive!
Those weary forty hours of work 
were rewarding in ways
when the long days
of sharing boldness and gratitude
finally, boosted your chances
Red Grevillea, so you are now un-stuck and free
to gloriously nourish more birds and bees.

Red Grevillea - Grevillea speciosa is a beautiful, 
long-flowering australian Native shrub. Sadly this, dear friend,
was lost to wild wind storms and weeks of heaving rains, Winter 2023


Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Seeing The Sky

 "If you are looking for the big picture,
you've got to get the smallest frame"
- John Prine -


Monday, March 1, 2021

These Flowers Sing for You

 These flowers sing

 simple songs for you today

to brighten your life in a cheerful way.