Friday, July 31, 2020

Hello From My Little Friends

Hello from my little friends and me.
We are sitting in the sunny room
watching the lemons
just outside this window.

How nourishing
how yellow
how friendly
how good is that and how happy am I
that through the cold winter skies
came enough warmth
to brighten you from green to gold
and make fresh fruit for our good health
from Mother Earth's abundant wealth.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

We All Bloom In Sweet Time

On a frosty morning
in this valley garden
few do see
this rare bush filled with light.
It is Chinese Buddleja fallowiana
which buds for many months
  until we see,
 her shimmering beauty.

Today she whispered
 watch here
 for the
softest, gentle
 lights of mauve
 through these silver buds
before we burst with joy
as fragrance fills the winters air
and bees arrive from everywhere.

The best is coming
and certainly worth waiting for
as nature spirits hum along 
while the days are short,
  boosting blooms to spring forth.

 Then perfume will bring
the superb fragrance of No5,
 truly, fruitful 
and naturally alive
 coming from heavenly skies.
Chinese Buddleja fallowiana

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Friendly Faces

The time
 for looking back is gone.
Walk on.
 The time
 here now is full of light,
many faces looking bright,
many flowers bloom for you
and now,
 it is your time
to see
 yourself walking forward.

There are nature beings
along the way,
so you will travel softly
every day,
when you wake and say:
these feet will carry me
as far as I can see,
for there are more
garden paths to explore.

Start this moment
 and call a flower
to smile to you this hour.
Then pray to see
each living friend
bring the love and beauty 
of another glorious flower
with you.

Friday, July 17, 2020

The Keeper Tree

I went for a walk
where the forest once was
and along this way today
I felt more joy than previously
as now green gum-tips
are springing from our Keeper Tree.

I see,
the first burnt little grass-tree,
now has a tall flower rising high
and, further along
small wattle seedlings
are sprouting through
with lush green maiden-hair ferns too.

Bracken ferns are spurting strong
and in my heart I sing a song,
as there were no birds to hear,
I sang my tune clear to Heaven.

Flowering Grass-tree July 17,2020 facing west

Bracken and maiden-hair ferns

January 2, 2020 same grass-tree, facing east

Sunday, July 12, 2020


"......for love is not far behind
a grateful heart
 and a thankful mind."

 Manual For Teachers

A Course In Miracles
Foundation For Inner Peace

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Many Good Hearts Will Meet You

This morning I talked with you
as we always do
and, you and I,
this day may be
the one you start with me
and will be by my side
but in this day
if the moment comes
I will gently say fare-well
as many good hearts will meet you.
They know you may be coming
and so are holding space
for you to rest in a warm place.

You are a true sweetheart
and I am my best Self
so here we are further along
and has your time come
to run a circle to play above.

And now,
all grace is with your every breath
and my heart is wide
in gratitude for all our times
constantly side by side.
We breathe together,
we breathe forever.

Little Bobby and I went to the vet for his final? visit.
It was 2 hours after I wrote this on June 30, 2020.

And our vet, who has been seeing him
13 times in these past 12 weeks,
through all the Covid19 social-distancing,
and car-park waiting rooms,
said Bobby is happy with you,
he wants to go home with you again.
He wants to live.
He likes to play.
You are helping him.
It is best he stays with you.
Call me whenever you notice any further changes.

So Joy, Oh Joy!
We are grateful
for Bobby's courage and resilient spirit.
He sleeps and plays again.
Blessings upon his head
and, gratitude
for his happily beating heart.

We stay
in each present moment.
We hum along quietly,
my little dog and me.

Today Bobby is happily having some country walks.
He is nurtured and nourished.
God knows where we go from here.

Blessings and Love to all,
Bee and Bobby xo

Please Help Me Help Him

Bobby has been on the edge too many times
and I have learned
through prayer and tears
how to lift us through those years. 

In the intense times, I cried.
I stayed up most of the night.
I sang my soul to call healing
to clear a way into daylight. 

No more drugs, I say. No Way.
They rip his body apart.
They worry him.
His big brown eyes look at me.
So two weeks ago,
when we were particularly low,
and I thought his bones and soft hair
would be all that's left in his bed,
I said,
"Help Us. Please help me help him." 

And he began to re-hydrate,
and play again in three days,
and what I know
is how the light shone through,
and how we sat
with healing essence in my palm,
and his weary head resting on my arm.

And now
for however long, he is back again.

Thank you to all our Divine helpers
Written June 22, 2020

I adopted my friend Bob, from an animal shelter,
over 6 years ago, when he was 3 years old.
He had then just been abandoned by his owner.