Monday, January 6, 2020

Witnessing The Still Standing People

There are always trees on the land I love,
and ground-cover to nurture soil,
and birds fly by freely
and as you see
here today
this land I love is scorched and parched,
blackened by massive Wild-fires
so I have been to give them love.

I have returned
to my Mother's space
where her ashes were left to be
in peace with the tall trees
the maiden ferns
and blue fairy wrens 
and so she was for many months
in the glorious beauty of the Old Forest.

I will come to this Heritage Forest and the two lakes every month.  
I will walk and take photos.
I will continue to sing to the sky and hope the golden whistler
will continue to respond as he did today.
New Years Day,  January 1 and then I came again on January 2, 2020.
This is walking distance from my home.  Adelaide Hills, South Australia.

Wild fire here came December 20 and 21, 2019 in the dark of night.

May rain come again, may the koalas, kangaroos,
echidna and yellow-tailed black cockatoos find a way here.
I saw 4 small ducks on the lake,
3 monarch butterflies landed on the barren ground.
I found a tiny white feather.
I will return. 
I will always honour the earth.
May the greenery and native creatures rise to come again.

I will call you monthly to see these trees with me.
Love and greenery to all,
Bee xx


  1. Thank you lovely Bee for those photos and words.

    It's such a relief to see some of the trees still standing proud.

    I've cried so many times looking at photos of the fire and the people they've impacted.

    There's an Elton John song , and he sings "I'm still standing", I think it should be the theme song for all of us at the moment!

    Much love and huge hugs,

    Paula M-W,

  2. Bless you Sweet Friend,
    Thank you for your welcome comment.
    I understand how you feel.
    I will try singing your suggested theme song into the quiet forest each time I visit 'The Standing People' - The Trees.

    We will sing in harmony. All the Earth Weavers of our shared lands. May rain come again.

    Blessings and Great Love to you,
    Bee xxxo
