Sunday, August 11, 2019

This Happy Place

while the water sings to me
the daisies bring simplicity 
the grass so lush and in the hush
my frog friends forgive me
as over many years
I thought of little tadpoles
I had taken from muddy ponds
to save somewhere away from there.

Playing by the Yarrowee
I whistled to each bird and followed every bee.
Now habitats surround me
so every frog I see is happily living free.

I won the charity bid for this framed print
so tears of joy rolled down my cheeks,
as this delightful, bright green-grassy fresh,
children's book is here to rest.

The art comes the children's book called
"All The Ways To Be Smart".
Illustrated by Allison Colpoys
Written by Davina Bell. Scribble Publisher 2018



  1. And 'Good for you!' Bee...the perfect recipient and typically and appropriately grateful...Then coming full circle and tieing in your childhood memories...Terrific! Thanks for sharing...

  2. Hello Stuart,
    the charity is Indigenous Literacy Foundation.
    'Love Your Bookshop Day' at Matilda Bookshop in Stirling,South Australia were sponsoring, as they often do and here is a photo from their newsletter. If it works I will put it above in the post space,
    Love Bee xx
