Friday, August 23, 2019

Glimpses Of You

You have gone
but I do remember you.

You still come shining through
on a winters day
and never did you say
I am going away.

 In a whisper, you ask
'What is the time?'
Silent last words I hear 
as in a glimmer
of the passing light
you went.
I wept.

The angels sang
as you will live again.

All Peace and Love is with you.

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The Sentinels

 One budding Green Spider Orchid
The colony seemingly has dissolved.
I found three quietly near the tree.
And faithfully
I do know they will flower when I go.

They know I will call again.
I know, they too will have disappeared from view.

Beam Me Up Buttercup

Hello Buttercup
my sweet delightful friend.
I am happy to greet you
as I go trailing through this forest
looking for the vanished.

Yes the orchids seemingly dissolved
but here you are
shining like a Lemurian star.
So I will sit awhile and listen to 
what stories are coming through.

It is years and years
since my field was full
of beaming buttercups 
and now I find you by a trickling creek
as I seek
the little ones
having fun hiding.

Oh happy day to see you
ever so bright and cheerful too.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


If this
 is my day of harvest,
in what fields
 have I sowed the seed,
and in what unremembered seasons?

Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931) from "The Coming of the Ship"


Sunday, August 18, 2019

Creating Space For Serendipity

For years and years I think I am
clearing clutter but then again
today I see
my journal list seems to be
going on forever.
It is so relative
to what is coming into here
and what I need to clear.

When loved ones leave this world

some 'letting-go' needs to flow
and also
in the coming in
is the wondering when
do I end and begin again.

I have a Bloom Room.

As there is no garden shed,
my garage protects 
my car
my dog's paraphernalia, 
my tools, my lamps
my study notes
my florist gloves
my potting-pots
my posy bench
my spot to store the summer table
and other things I am not able
to keep inside my home.
They never roam
but stay neatly
on the shelves and hooks,
until I look
at what is mine to keep,
or what is "just asleep"
and has really had a place
where we now prefer more space.

Yes I do this every season
and there are reasons
more has come
but now I know and have begun
to clear again.

Much was given to the Quakers
yet the 'more" is from life stages
and through the ages,
information I needed to know
to qualify and grow
to buy a home
to map the roads
to heal my body and save the codes.
All safely placed in bright containers, 
labelled for prosperity
or if I ever need to find
the Allen key to set me free.

So beautiful tins and lovely things,

ribbons, bows and hand-made cards,
silk painting and special arts
may stay for spring
but now
I will look again at every thing
and say goodbye 
to what does not bring ideas that 'zing'
in a happy, creative, lateral or useful way.



Saturday, August 17, 2019

With The Angel

Walking here
is to me
the place to be
with our Landscape Angel
watching over every creature
every bird is heard
every echidna is hiding
but there may be grey kangaroos
 watching through 
what seems to be 
a tangled lot of shrubbery.

But I do know
and I have seen
the difference
when the flowers bloom,
as colour comes to greenery
when the sun shines warm
on the scenery.

This place
 has been here centuries
where 'the standing people'
are the trees,
the rarely seen black cockatoos
are sometimes heard high above
as I meander along the forest floor
I see delightfully so much more.

Every leaf has symmetry,
a witness dwells in every fern,
the old and gentle
teach and learn
so my heart is open
my feet are free
and all above is lifting me

- o O o -

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Calling Me With Telepathy

Letting go
I feel my simple breath is enlivening me
the maidens walk with me
the ferns so green
the earth so damp
the sky above is lightly blue
as here I am with some of you.
These ferns shelter a colony
of tiny budded antennae green spider orchids 
soon to timely be flowering perfectly.
When I return
your old, old tree will be standing tall 
as new Spring rises and as fairy wrens play
our forest sings to all each day.
I hear you listening too.
So in my new awareness
comes deep understanding
weaving freely into me,
our fears are gone,
communication is strong
and life is lively far beyond.
Here today we see clearly,
listen deeply
and call to the awakened ones.
Our day has come. 
Green spider orchid buds among the maiden hair ferns 


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Sweet Daisy Days

When all the world
 goes around and round
 the butterfly
is still a while
beauty goes
where the daisies smile,
 silent blooms may sway
 as softness graces our day.

- o O o -


Sunday, August 11, 2019

This Happy Place

while the water sings to me
the daisies bring simplicity 
the grass so lush and in the hush
my frog friends forgive me
as over many years
I thought of little tadpoles
I had taken from muddy ponds
to save somewhere away from there.

Playing by the Yarrowee
I whistled to each bird and followed every bee.
Now habitats surround me
so every frog I see is happily living free.

I won the charity bid for this framed print
so tears of joy rolled down my cheeks,
as this delightful, bright green-grassy fresh,
children's book is here to rest.

The art comes the children's book called
"All The Ways To Be Smart".
Illustrated by Allison Colpoys
Written by Davina Bell. Scribble Publisher 2018


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

When Winged Ones Come

here today
 gliding by
comes tomorrow
fly away
 through the sky
far across vast lands
migrating Monarchs
know the way
I never heard them say.

Awaiting their arrival
here in Australia 
the forest 
is as quiet 
as silent wings in the wind,
rising on thermals
and descending to roost,
over 90 incredibly long days
with habitat along the way
disappearing everyday.

Bless the beautiful ones
where ever
 when ever they come.

I trust us all
 to keep wildflowers
 growing by the wayside,
a place to rest and feed
over straight line distances
 of up to 3500 km
but actual off-course distance
 may be up to 7000 km.

Information from:
"Monarch Butterflies:
Saving the King of the New World"
by Phil Schappert.

Photo credit: Sue Allie Page 76,
 then B Porteous took the iphone photo
 of Monarch butterfly image

Published Key Porter Books Limited. WWF
Printed in Canada 2004

- o O o -

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Dissolving Into Deeper Earth

Deeper Earth
I went within
deeper than
 before beginning
the dark of purple
the rolling over
around and through infinity
you were with me.
I was dissolved,
gifted and blessed,
lighter than before
 home from exploring 
I sit on earth
I sit with you
We went up,
 down, over and through.

 settled and still.

24.44 minutes of Earth Breathing

Thank you to Sounds True
somatic guided meditation with Reggie Ray.
Free download available 

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Twirling With You

Even on this winters day
every flower has a way
of singing to the sky
until I walk by
to bring

 beauty and delicious fragrance
indoors for dancing. 

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