Saturday, July 13, 2019

Gliding Along

With freedom
 by my side
I glide

A waking message on July 13, 2019

Singing Through The Valley To You

Valley of Peace
Valley of Praise
I am here to sing and soon to raise
vibrations higher to heal Gaia.

We wait for the time
to lift the veil
upon unseen worlds
that seem to be
beyond what you see.

So here they are shining bright
through this evenings winter light.

 - o  O  o -

Photo credit: ABC Secondary Education
 online newsletter July 10, 2019
"Why do birds sing?

Monday, July 8, 2019

She Leaves A Stone and I Leave A Leaf

is Life
it flows thru
the death of me
like a river
of becoming
the sea."

- written by Gregory Corso -

This Quote found on Corso's Grave stone

Read more in Natalie Goldberg - a memoir -
“Let the Whole Thundering World Come Home”
Shambhala Publications Inc. USA. 2018

I like to think unicorns are sometimes watching.

This photo I took of a postcard I framed decades ago.

It is "Eugnostos with the mighty horn set in silver, and the small unicorn, not seen before, outside the window".

It comes from "Unicornis - On the History and Truth of the Unicorn"- For every seeker of the beautiful and wondrous".

Discovered and Annotated by Michael Green. Running Press Book Publishers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

This beautiful find has Synchronicity that sings to me of :
* taking some candied ginger which I know she favors.
* It being almost a year since the flames and ashes
* Isabella's laughter in the kitchen
* 4 days ago, sprinkling ashes in the forest beside the maiden hair ferns
* 4 days to go until the first anniversary memorial

* The Unicorn loves
   sweet smelling herbs particularly Lavender 


Be quiet
the silent scream
said to me
they do not know 
they do not see
so just get through this very day
and hope it all goes away.

But as you know
there is no flow
when all we feel 
is smothered with an unreal smile,
is sinking us all the while,
is swamping our self-esteem
and building rooms to keep us safe
so where we live is the only place
to hide away
to shy away
to be the one who weaves the web
to hold the nest above threats
to greet the company calling in
who are never looking at the host
just the kettle and the cake,
a passing pit-stop for their sake.

Decades later
now I see, how neatly
I held all the trauma
as if I was an empty book
and no one saw
how I looked 
or ever stayed to turn the page.

I gave myself away
I gave my space 
I gave my heart
I  rarely ever got past start
before the finishing line declined
and I was taken away by
the faster runner,
the sweet-talker,
the stalker,
the walking trail into the woods
the breadcrumbs eaten by the birds
the silent screams never heard.

I have no choice.
I have no say.
My choices are taken away.

Here today I always say
how I feel
as illusions all have fallen by
the wayside as I travel through
with all my heart,
my peaceful mind following You
as I walk behind Love
with the light and golden sky
as all above is shining high........

'I am not a body I am free.
I am as God created me.' *

* Quote is one of the key principles in the lesson Workbook, Volume 2, of A Course In Miracles by The Foundation for Inner Peace.

These 3 volumes in one book contain the life lessons of spiritual psychotherapy to change our old perceptions and then truly find Love and Peace in this lifetime as you choose to be lifted by your own higher Spirit.

May I also say dear friends, how much I have healed through Deep Soul Connection over the years with these beautiful souls in Glastonbury, UK, who do live healing work with Chung Fu, Old Chinese guidance and deep immersion courses online.

And there are all the books, audio and free podcasts from the wonderful Sounds True Publishing in Colorado, USA. Last week Tami Simon, the Founder of Sounds True,
did a podcast interview about Releasing Inherited Trauma. This is available free on line, also with a download and transcript and there are generations of ancestral patterns from trauma to uncover in our own lives. 

Certainly a very deep and healing process.
Here we now may be enjoying some stillness
and feeling present in this very day.

Blessings, Love and Peace to each of you...
Bee xo 

Australian Pink Robin. Photo: Australian Geographic
"Floral Geometry" is a photo of an exquisite card.
Marsha Robinson is the artist and designer in Denver, Colorado, USA
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