Tuesday, March 12, 2019

For All The Small Creatures

Where have I been?
I have been among the Violets,
the Daphne, the Buddlea
and the Jasmines in their dormancy.

I have been calling in the nature spirits,
the elvin-folk,
the flower-fairies.
I call strength each morning
for landscaping
with the dog, frogs and lizards being helpers
in the healing of all of us here.
And monarch butterflies float around.
I wonder if an autumn crocus
will bloom through disturbed ground.

Weeks of garden care and clean-up there.
Saving plants and transplanting.
Planting another violet leaf lawn.

Golden bamboo waltzing.
Now I feel rejuvenated.
All the rocks are resting. And so will I.
Today it is done. At last.

Long Gabion bluestone walls 
have been installed
by a good team of earth-workers
who have dismantled and removed
all the timber retaining walls in our cottage garden.

And I thank my strong helpers
and my willing friends who lent their strength.
Faith and trust the beauty will come again.

In the spring there will be
a heart-shaped leaf lawn 
for all of us to picnic upon.
I will show you photos then...

I am most happy
to be back here writing a note to you.
Verses will come
with a good sleep in the lavender air...
I am grateful.
I am content.
I care for all the nature everywhere.

Blessings for this day, this garden
this greening life in the hills.

These photos were taken yesterday
in my kitchen garden 
which blooms abundantly for butterflies and bees.

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