Twas a new spring day
when my Precious one arrived with me,
and we gathered
in the greenery underneath melaleuca trees.
It is strange to think too deeply
that 'this' was you who've come to be
what others say we are 'setting free'.
But we three know,
these remains left behind,
are not 'the you who flew away'
through the open door,
free from all that was before.
I made nourishing soup for you.
I baked a cake,
so we ate from your favourite plate,
then sprinkled your past
among the honeysuckles and winter-sweet,
buddleja, lilacs and fairy bells
and all around the honey myrtles.
I knew you knew almost every plant
had come from 'the old home'
and peace lives here with the honey birds
as Joy rose high
and the mourning dove left the bough above.
Farewell dear one with all our Love