Saturday, July 14, 2018

Through The Veil

My mother
passed away today.
She was weary,
she was old,
with 'grandmother wisdom'
to be told.
She was frail,
she was tender,
with kindness
and caring we remember.
She did her best
through difficult times,
and life was long
when her strength was gone,
but she had a way
to touch the hearts
of many she met.

It was her loyalty that shone,
her gratitude to all
who gave her love,
her artistry we all could see,
her beauty
shone the brightest
as it came from deep within,
a place she never 
had even seen.
But we did.

A bare-footed river girl,
who played away from home,
who never knew
who she was
until we all, in our own ways,
did our best to honour her,
to lift esteem to a softer place,
to look beyond her 'disfigured' face.

And to all who came
to say farewell,
to each of you
who cared deeply,
to each and all in her family,
to her old and new friends
gathered here,
she's asking me
to thank you,
to truly Thank You.

She looked for peace all her life.
It was sitting
in her deepest well
and to anyone
 who helped to draw
raw emotions to the light,
she thanks you,
for helping her,
through the darkest nights.



  1. I wrote this, July 5, the morning my precious mother died.

    Pink Love was shining in the room.

    It was part of what I shared in her funeral service.

    It moves me.

    Love Bee xx

  2. "Dearest Bee,
    Your loved one is not gone for she will live forever in your heart.
    She is now beyond the veil without pain or earthly cares.
    I am sure that until you 'meet again' she will watch over you with a Mother's love and tenderness.
    She is at peace."

    1. You are a wonderful Blessing Jean.

      Thank you. I feel certain your words will uplift those who find them here,
      Love Bee xx

  3. What a gorgeous and loving tribute poem. 'To lift esteem to a higher place. / ". Yes, oh yes. No, they are not 'gone', they are -- as Stuart so beautifully said, 'Released', to another life we do not know, but which is absolutely life.
