Wednesday, January 24, 2018


'May I be safe,
 be happy,
 be healthy,
 live with ease'

These are the phrases
for Metta: mindful of Loving-Kindness.

They may be said quietly to your self,
or said for another,
as a gift of offering and generosity.

May you be safe,
be happy,
be healthy,
live with ease.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Friends,
    I have been mindfully accessing The Mindfulness & Meditation Summit, presented so generously over a period of 10 days by Tami Simon, the Founder of Sounds True (Publisher, USA). She herself is Being True, so wonderfully. It is so inspiring and I have watched many sessions Live video, here in Australia.

    So Tami Simon, Alice Walker and Sharon Salzberg inspired these posts.
    I am indeed most grateful.
    They are each, themselves, a blessing to our world community.

    Blessings and Peace.
    Love Bee xx
