Sunday, December 31, 2017

Bright And Beautiful

Can we go here?
Of course.

A place of beauty 
follow the path to The Palm House.
See the plants from tropical Madagascar.
It is free, come and see.

This day, this new year’s eve,
let me be
surrounded by light,
cocooned in a delightful way,
happy on a summers day,
grateful everyday 
for Adelaide Botanic Gardens, in the heart of the city,
to lift the hearts of the many.

In 2018, may I be
inspired by simple pleasures,
enjoy the magnificence of this achievement,
this restoration.
May I be grateful for renewal,
for faith in creation
and for hearts of human oneness.
Let me see beauty
looking down upon the ground,
the trailing snail,
the friendly frog,
the blue-tongue lizard,
little field rabbit on the lawn,
all have come here this week
to my leafy garden in a hill-side town
little pleasures are all-around.

And looking up I see
a mountain duck flying over me, diagonally.
Going in an oblique direction
it may seem to be,
but truly the duck was flying purposefully.

Let us observe and be inspired,
let us be appreciative,
let us be united,
let us all forgive.

May we go forward,
becoming our best selves,
encouraging others
to be beautifully whole and free.

Blessings, Love and Peace to All

Thursday, December 28, 2017


This leaf is here to tell
what will work,
what needs a spell,
but first, you need to rest a while
as it seems to be
you are in this life, restlessly.

And why,
what will it take
for you to break
the trembling speed,
because you need
to bring the light to shine higher.

A lot of logic is in your head,
but it's time to go within
to begin,
to create your beauty path
to find a place,
to rest a while,
a place to regenerate,
a place to make
'your own'.

And now we see
you reaching out,
branching in a few directions,
need we say and did we mention,
one path for you
is shining through.

Reaching out,
stretching wider,
calling-in and listening.

Your self-esteem would like to be
another place for you to see
nurturing and nourishment.

The way forward is to clear the old.
Be Bold.

You will know when it's time
to find your true heart.
It is there, indeed
seek yourself and shine Dear one.

So tomorrow, be free of sorrow.
Just shine.


Monday, December 18, 2017


"To  everyone I offer quietness.

To everyone I offer peace of mind.

To everyone I offer gentleness"

Lesson 108
"A Course In Miracles"
The Foundation For Inner Peace

- oOo -


"Fill your heart with gratefulness.
With gratefulness
will flower a gladness within
that you have not known.
you have something
to give to the world:
your joy,
your gratefulness,
your gladness.
And the world needs it."

Tara Singh - A Gift For All Mankind

- oOo -

Sunday, December 17, 2017


 If I were a cockatoo
in a cypress tree
I would be eating
 fresh kernels with exuberant glee.

If I were a sparrow
on my window-sill
I would look through and bop until
I knew you would see me
and call sweetly,
'Fly over little one'
and listen with me
to the chorus of carols,
wonderfully lifted on the evening breeze
as the honey-eaters sing joyously.

If I were a jingle-bell
having a tinkling time,
I would enjoy this season
and some simplicity
to live in my heart and happily be
with the twinkling stars on the Christmas tree.

- sSs -

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Yes Flowers Smile

Oh how lovely!
What a joy.
What a treat.
I am delighted to see
 and certainly greet
your warm smiling faces.

- oOo -

Day Lily Day Today

Believe me 
every day lily IS orange.

Every lily deva is dancing
as I take my early morning walk
 around the garden
They see me
 so kindly smile for you to see.

To Be A Blessing

In my dreams
it looks like my garden,
it looks green, it is lilac and cream.

We are sharing flowers,
plants, light and joy,
we are weaving our living Beings.

This micro-climate
prospers thriving and nourishment.
There is protection from the winds and frost,
with high support inspiring me

I am breathing Divine Love.
I am listening, expanding,
branching out, connecting
and I want to Be A Blessing.

Monday, December 4, 2017

I Am Most Grateful

When I saw you shining bright
it was with joy and great delight
I came over to admire you
and ask permission,
if I may,
have this waltz with you today.

You Dear Flower
shine like the only one,
smile like the morning sun,
float above your silvery leaves
and I wonder if, it may be true,
pixies play each day with you.

They love joy, 
so your warming beam
simply seems,

Yes that is true,
pixies love you and so do I
your beauty lifts the sky,
your fragrance calls me over,
your colours are most cheerful,
my friends know
you are a favourite one
we simply love seeing you
quietly shining,
sharing rosy radiance
in honeysuckle lane
enticing admirers again.

- oOo -

Rose-scented - Pelargonium clorinda