Gathering blooms all around
looking down, close to the ground.
Deep within, still uncovering.
My heart it weeps,
the pain I feel is rising now and very real.
My self I thought was moving on,
but yes that is true
but only if,
I give to You this treasured pain.
Only if,
I bring this gift, and offer it with sincerity
will these burdens lift and I release,
this truly deep grief.
The grief I carry for so very long
the grief I know came with me
over many pathways, lovingly.
This grief it knows other lives,
this grief I hid in my darkest place.
This grief I give will be replaced
by very bright open space.
I have kept myself alone for long
knowing sorrow was deep to my core
and believing I would,
live it through
and give my love to animal friends
who understand how it is,
we do befriend pain.
Turn the other cheek again.
But no longer,
will I know my pain is for me.
My pain it comes to set me free.
My pain is my deepest gift.
I must surrender it.
And indeed I do now.
And as I go to light the fire,
my little dog walks with me
as he knows,
he too will be free from old troubled times.
Old abuse has been useful.
Old pain has arisen,
old pain is lifted,
old pain is gifted.
Joy is shining in,
we indeed are beginning
to rise above,
to beam openness and Love.
Written with an armful of Jonquils on September 2, 2017