Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Blue and The Green

It is gentle and placid calling me.
It is open and tender calling me.
It is beautiful
quiet and still
it will
always entice me
I pass myself to the other side
up the golden stairs,
leave my cloak and rise up higher.
Skies they call me
blue it fills me
composes me
envelops me
softens me
brings me to rest
feeling blessed,
to knowing
deep within
the pond of Love is ever full
and I will travel long
I leave 
to be received
by Spirit.
May the Beauty Path always lead me
over every hill
I rest.
May we all be blessed
Love and Peace to All
Written with Capanula poscharskyana Harebell on July 19,2017

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

This Glorious Colour

Oh joy to me as joy to you
such glorious colours
just shining through

Be The Light

Expand my writing
e x p a n d
u n i t e
heaven and earth

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Opening the Heart

"When you are able
to attract the light from within
you become the flame itself.

Then wherever you go
you are not carrying
the burden of the body,
you are carrying the torch of the heart." 

Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, Siddha Yoga

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Glimpses From Beyond

"True life is Love"

This is the first wisdom I was shown
when I visited
the Hall of the Akashic Records.

The second wisdom I did share with you
was posted here on 
Come Blossom Come Fruit.

"Beyond is a beautiful star"


Friday, July 7, 2017

The Light of Heaven

Beyond is a beautiful star

I took this photo on my iphone.

It is a close-up of an Algerian Iris petal, at ground level.
Blessings and Peace to all who see The Flame Within

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Start to Make a little Space

"Peace to my mind.
Let all my thoughts be still."

"Could we make a start that way?
Then our likes and dislikes are finished.
Any problems?
How can there be a problem in Life?
Any questions?
It's the same thing.
Peace and stillness know no problems,
have no questions, and accept no answers.
For they are free - of ideas."
Tara Singh -  "A Gift For All Mankind"

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Many Seasons Many Reasons

Here I see
the unity
one tree
different leaves
all they know
is we are here to grow
here to live
brightly every autumn day
quietly through winters way
bursting into flower in spring
and embracing life that Summer brings

Bringing the Light of Hope