Sunday, September 20, 2015

Unrequited Love: A Past Life Healing

I knew him in another time
across the line
between now and then
backwards when
he was a scout
and I a maiden
culture laden
nature driven
wild grass growing and winds blowing
I seem to have inside my cells
deepest feelings in the deepest wells.

So now another life has passed
I look back in the looking glass
and that young ‘innocence’
has come to be
healed I see
that I did my all
to heal
in ways I never had revealed
and ways I knew not how or why
I was led to lead and try
I was back to hoping for
more expression than the world before.

But as it is and again seems
the young maiden was the active link
as an enticement in this life
presented lessons and reasons for
real expression leading to
the deeper knowing of the depths of you.

I said what I did for you
to help induce a big breakthrough
but I feel until you passed
you did not realize the love that lasts.

So as my life beckons
me to flow like a river
and grow like the grass
and follow the labyrinth
to the lasting centre
I will let you go higher home
and I move on from the plains we roamed.
I have calls to the wider world
and time is now to let that girl
fill her heart with warmth and smiles
bring delight and lightness in
and here I am to Begin.

May I hold my heart always open
may I bring my feet to walk more trails
may I wave to nature and smile to love
may I surrender all to skies above
may Earth and Heaven
river and wind
heal within and open to
what I left behind with you.
A Past Life Healing, written on September 2, 2015.

This is somewhat of a Part 2 to the verse
I wrote on April 25, 2015, which is The Part 1, 
posted here on Come Blossom Come Fruit 
under the title of “I Weep. I Weep for the Men”

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Where Souls Belong

I wail.
Yes I wail for those
I could feel through and through
the gentle ones
who were lost in their lives
and deep in the well of their darkest times.

And I know
that I do
grieve for me and for you,
for the lost opportunities,
the failures it seems
in following our dreams
but the real truth shows
that when anyone ‘goes’
they are living their dream
in those worlds unseen…..
they have lost their fragility
and are completely gone
to where nurturing comes
and souls belong
where light is beckoning
and shadows fade
to a lovely shade
of Highest Love
blessing them now
with peace above.

(Written on September 12, 2013 as I farewell another dear friend from this lifetime)

Sing To Your Soul

Cradled by nature with light from above
you are nurtured by abundant Love
so breathe-in deeply
and sing to your soul,
the real you
will always be whole.
Be ‘awake’ to our earth,
as some strong winds are blowing
and the blossom bough breaks
but the tree full of flowers blooms gloriously true
so take that to heart and be the REAL you.

May we find ourselves
shine our lights on fear
let it disappear
so we turn away and welcome great joy
and abundance to be
filling our hearts continuously.

I know in Truth that wherever I go
I am grateful for Love and compassionate support,
may my light continue to shine in this town
and may we all know our place
is right where we are
twinkling on the grids of white light
across the earth
through day and night,
and so I will rest in my sleep and smile in my heart
from every dawning, to dusk and beyond,
life is for living and breathing joy in
so today, in this lifetime I will begin
creating new cells
and drawing from the deeper wells.

(It is the 10th anniversary of my first long streaming verse. I wrote this on September 6, 2015.)