Sunday, April 26, 2015

He Was My Peripatetic Friend

Time is for the living
the breathing-in and giving
the breathing-out
to take life in, breathing all to begin.

Now and again
Where and when
Here and now we learn somehow
life is here this very moment
we never know when living goes.
God knows.

Written in memory of CMR on April 26, 2015
Ten years ago to the day, to the hour, to the minute
I watched my friend step off the bus
and meander across the south-eastern park-lands of Adelaide.
He very suddenly died ten days later,
at the same time of morning, in that corner of the city.
He was walking past a sports store 
and slumped in a footpath deck-chair.
He was my peripatetic friend.

I Weep. I Weep For The Men

I weep. I weep for the men
who until then
never asked for help or looked within.
For the way ahead
may be dark indeed
and I hope with all my heart
that the light streams
and there are ways
to express the depths, to clear the haze.

May nurturing come and nourishment be,
may they have the love
they surely need
and when will they call for help
to uncover themselves and shine their light
into the darkness 
of ‘the dark night of the soul’ 
who longs in a plaintive way
for the affection,
and someone who’ll say
‘Come near and rest, you have tried your best’.
You dear friend need to change,
to know your own true ways,
to walk away from hazy days.

Let you be the one healing to the core,
before you carry any more
loads of burdens you do not need,
and now is the present,
with a call for freedom ringing clear,
take this year to meet yourself
and shake your life
to bring yourself to being free.
Free to feel.
Free to heal.
Let all the past dissolve away.
Call the new to heal you, now.
No time to wait or hesitate.
Come to yourself.
Honor yourself.
Shine your light now.

Written on April 25, 2015

Thursday, April 9, 2015

You Always Gave Him Love

I picked a posy for you in your time of loss.
I gathered the greens and fresh bright leaves
with only a stem or two of blooms to be amongst
this herbal healing bunch.

Your precious brother has passed away
and I feel your grief so just will say
‘take heart my dear friend, you always gave him love’.

All your kindness he did know
as Dear One with the golden heart
you were with him in ‘the transition days’
with your compassion and light
shining bright.

So here for you is Sacred Bamboo
and fresh Ferns from a lovely dell
with the tonic of Lemongrass to lift you up…….
Honeysuckle for the sweet past times,
Pelargonium with the clearest scent
and Rosalina with it’s earthy yin
so you know as your sorrow flows
you are nurtured with love from above.