Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I Am Wishing You Peace

When I admire
the foliage of shrubs and trees
I bring my focus to detail the leaves.
I look at the veins
the shapes
their colour and tone,
whether they cluster in families
or grow out on their own.

I am thinking of New Year around the world,
the full heat of summer
the depth of white snow
and folk who are gathering,
as some are alone.

Here in Australia
where white lilies bloom
the fragrance of these is filling the room.
Whether your Christmas
was warmed by the sun or a fire inside,
may goodness bring all that you need
and Kindness and Love
keep the world going around,
so I am wishing you peace
and the heart of a leaf
or crystals of snow to melt with the flow
and life will cycle wherever you go.

So breathe in a New Day,
and be warmed by generosity,
to love in new ways.

Written December 30, 2014

Monday, December 29, 2014

The Star Of Hope

So much is changing in our world
and many ways have gone,
the Summer Solstice time is here
as Christmas season brings good cheer.
Much is passing and lives are lost
but keep on breathing in
all that you need is love and peace.
And now.

A new way is here for us
to behold and to live in trust
that all around will support
those who nurture and give with kindness.
And those who know there is more
than what surrounds their everyday
will come together and share
courage and the strength to care.

Take heart and keep the faith
the light is on your path,
be open-hearted, as best you are,
vulnerable in gentle ways,
and being open lets those days
come through
to happen to you
in a delightful way,
when you never knew
that all around there are good times too,
and folk who share themselves
to bring light to a dim place
and warmth to some strangers faces.
Let us be the ones
who carry the load another day
for a dear one who may be weary
and wondering if
love will bring a smile to them.
So let us do what 'ere we may
to shine The Star Of Hope today.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Look For A Heart Wherever You Are

Looking At Leaves
Look for a heart wherever you are……
there are hearts around in the lilac leaves
and certainly wherever the violets may be.