Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Breathing Pink

Sitting now, you hear the wind,
the old past blowing
the new times coming.

Ring the bells, release the old,
use your talents and your hours
sharing simple words from us,
as you listen to
the songs we are singing you.

Lighter, lighter
brighter, brighter,
clearer nearer,
more to hear,
much more coming, becoming clear.
Release, surrender
start your new,
inside out and surely true.

We’re always growing,
it’s only change,
we are here to grow and re-arrange
anything which no longer serves us
releasing softly,
life supports us.

Breathing pink, glorious pink,
with breath after breath of pinking-in
your life will brighten,
as the clouds go and seeing pink will truly show
that all around, above, below
angel smiles have a heavenly glow.

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