Monday, January 13, 2014

Singing Your Song

There’s a voice within,
calling you, calling you to truly sing.

Bring your voice with melody,
let your Spirit truly free.

There was a girl who loved to dance and sing
Find that girl, herself, and let her bring
her tender voice, is everything.

She is humming beside the stage.
It is time to sing at any age.

Any day is where you start,
any day to live with heart.
Take a deep breath, draw air in,
your life expands when you begin
to let your sweet voice,
sing your soul to rosy pink.
Now let freedom flow and you will know
the forgotten song, that calls you home.

This very day sing joyfully,
as every moment brings the best,
live your life with the harmony
of being you and swimming free.

As I did write,
in the pre-dawn moonlight,
ducks came through the sky,
with honking calls,
flying by >>>>
with their own voices sounding true
they call for all,
they call for you.

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