Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Beehive At '"The Cedars'

Beehive at The Cedars, Hahndorf , South Australia (Photo BPorteous)
If you ever come to South Australia
do yourself a marvelous favour
and walk the gardens at 'The Cedars',
explore the cottage of Hans Heysen
and all the views across the valley,
artistry and inspiration
are everywhere..........
you will just love it there.

And The Studio on the hill,
the wild kangaroos at 'the deep pool'
and plenty of time to stroll along
be absorbed by the cottage garden
or landscape art on every wall
I was just so enthralled.

When you leave 'a place with heart'
you feel you have been 'gifted' with a spark
of creativity,
there within
and breathing free.

Now any place in the great outdoors
will lead me on
to explore
the inner nature
and how I feel
when I am walking, in the real
and very essence of the living world
let me be amongst the green
and dream,
and listen to all around
and find myself 
all that is outside
is within.

So a beehive in the grass
is not something I will walk past
without noticing,
and marveling
at the creation there before me,
timber glory.
The Beehive (Photo BPorteous)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

You Train, You Peddle To Win 'The Tour Down Under'

Tour Down Under cycling by
underneath South Aussie skies,
anticipation of the wait
and then they ‘whoosh’ by
for heavens sake
wheels so fast
and legs just peddling
and there I was beside the road
clicking my camera
all the time
hoping for an amazing shot
but then it’s over
before I look up
and ask me not
who was in the lead
it all went by me
at a speeding speed…..

But I was out
amongst the locals,
ringing the cowbell
and wearing my hat.
I was so in the moment
for that time outside
Now I am home
and moving on with my day
feeling energized
by that athletic display.

(Written January 22, 2013)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Going Beyond.....Going in there, is going out there

I come to write
what I do feel
I come to express
myself as real.
And all along
I have wondered who
I was
and who would know
other than me,
why I came here
and what I will be?

Well God knows
and so will I,
when I
and just become
who I am,
a living Spirit
here to follow
my sweet heart,
so I will be so,
that’s where I’ll start.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Agapanthus Blue

African Lily, Blue Agapanthus/Amaryllis Family
Agapanthus Blue
I love to see you 
flowering there
with your strength of colour and stem
and wide awake as you look at them
the honey-eaters, hovering,
enjoying your nectar,
what a pleasure
it is for me to see 
you welcoming to see the birds and bees.

If all of life was so accommodating
there would be blooms everywhere
and faith in finding
all your needs
are met without fear or greed.

So if you see this lovely flower
know it symbolizes world harmony
and beauty, here, for all to see.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Singing Your Song

There’s a voice within,
calling you, calling you to truly sing.

Bring your voice with melody,
let your Spirit truly free.

There was a girl who loved to dance and sing
Find that girl, herself, and let her bring
her tender voice, is everything.

She is humming beside the stage.
It is time to sing at any age.

Any day is where you start,
any day to live with heart.
Take a deep breath, draw air in,
your life expands when you begin
to let your sweet voice,
sing your soul to rosy pink.
Now let freedom flow and you will know
the forgotten song, that calls you home.

This very day sing joyfully,
as every moment brings the best,
live your life with the harmony
of being you and swimming free.

As I did write,
in the pre-dawn moonlight,
ducks came through the sky,
with honking calls,
flying by >>>>
with their own voices sounding true
they call for all,
they call for you.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Gratitude, For the Fruit as Food

A cumquat!
still half orange and half green
tucked where it was
barely seen.
But I know to watch and wait
and enjoy first fruit
at the pot-plant gate!!!

Well, you see
it was ‘the only’,
a single fruit from the tree.
a single fruit
and enjoyed by me.

But wait I think there’s more,
the only fruit on this tree
and I ate it,
so purposefully.

I have never tried
nor seen this fruit.
I looked up close
and then I touched
and it came
into my hand
so easily.
I stood there looking at this cumquat,
and first bite
I saw,
tiny segments, and half was gone,
second bite was the green half
and it too
was pleasurable,
these two bites
so measurable.

Thank you to the small tree
for the gift of fruit you gave to me.

(Written on January 12, 2014)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Breathing Blossoms

Breathing In
your delicacy and sweetness
Breathing Out
I am inspired,
Breathing In
your palest pink
Breathing Out
you are alive,
Breathing In
I feel your beauty
Breathing Out
I feel my beauty,
Breathing In
the flower is with me
Breathing Out
the flower is Within me,
Breathing In
my intuition is alive,
Breathing Out
my intuition flows,
Breathing In
I smile to the garden
Breathing Out
the garden is in my heart………