The wisdom of the ages
‘comes through’ to my pages
and the guidance is as true as my leap of faith,
all is well in the world
as all is well in my heart,
I’m walking the path
I’m walking along
and my heart melody is a pure simple song.
All along in recent years
I create new healing by releasing old fears.
I ask for guidance,
blessings and signs to see,
so messages coming are received by me.
So I pray in every new day,
I am heartened by all that paints images for me,
I ask the question, before the answers I see…..
This story begins nine years
when as a Christmas gift
you gave to me the Grevillea Silky-Oak
They grow in Queensland but don’t like the cold,
so I planted it by the
winter pond
and it didn’t grow much, it didn’t respond…..
Then you left me and went
far away
and years later I shifted from that country spot
and dug up ‘our tree’,
take with me, in a magnificent pot!
Too tall for small gardens
and I could never, it’s true
leave it behind when to me it was you!!!
So I placed it by my window
every day of every year, and it grew to be,
taller than, the rooftops I
And over all of the years,
you kept returning to me,
and just a few months before your spirit flew free,
you requested new boots as a gift from me.
As ever, we walked in the
our favorite song came from
and a sweeter song would never be heard….
One day, I was missing my
who ‘has gone from this
and thinking of him,
and those Mack boots left
when I heard a new song I’d love to re-wind.
The ballad was heartfelt,
from the very first line,
sung by a country singer in slow waltzing-time.
She said “I’ve nothing of
to remember you by,
except for one shoe”….
and there were tears in my
My goodness, a sign if ever
there was,
that hearts reach across
from the other side
to bring cheer and warmth,
there is no divide.
I looked at your new boots
you only wore for a few
then with your passing, my sadness felt lasting.
And all of the years,
through all of my tears,
show me, it is true
you are closer now than you ever were,
and I am healing within,
everyday with new signs,
I am heartened for sure,
so I keep looking for more.
The following day, was the
day, was the one,
when our Chinese Proverb
came true for a second time.
“Keep a green tree in your heart
perhaps a singing bird will come…”
So we live with this wisdom, more than twenty years
and it takes your dying
to present to the tree, living birds for me to
Soon after your passing,
in the Silky-Oak Tree,
in a planter pot by the
window, you came to be…..
Previously, you wrote
your password defined,
‘Blue-wren’ was your call-sign
as birds called to you,
so there in my Silky-Oak, through the window I see
a blue wren, and hen with a greeting for me!!
Oh Joy! I was heartened,
Oh heart I am free,
I let go of the pain that has been crippling
Then on a Sunday morning,
the day after ‘the shoe
I go into my room and am delighted to see
the Western Whip-bird just
sitting in our Silky-Oak Tree!
I wrote this on October 2,
2011 whilst sitting with THE Mack leather boots