Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Birds Are Singing, Bells Are Ringing

As I live this Christmas week
I pray for all
who love and seek,
for all the ones
on this dear earth
who need some song
who yearn for mirth,
for love and peace
for sharing now
for living, breathing
and caring how,
for melody
and harmony,
for the beautiful voice from the skies,
for all who live
and all who’ve died.

May love surround
and fill our hearts,
may oneness bring
us back to start,
to live and breathe
and join the spirits
who surround us in our every day
and call us over
when our time has passed,
the only truth
that ever lasts
is love
and song
and other worlds
with voices singing
as bells are ringing
and faith and hope
are blessings true
which come to us,
me and you.

So in this Christmas-time we have
may peace be with us
and gratitude true,
may you love me
and I love you.
May lights be bright,
may heaven be high
as blue comes down
and blue comes through,
heavenly blue
with lightest white,
may clouds of wonder
and pure delight
bring 2014 calmly in
and may you know this
and know to bring
all your love to share around
with all of us
on earth our ground.

May light, bright hope
and songs bring faith
and times will tell
and bells will ring
and yes we’re here at the beginning.
Fill us up with love and cheer
and compassion, contentment
and a bright new year.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Following the Miracles

Take off your cloak and leave it behind,
where you are going you will find
everyone wears their integrity
and truth reveals for all to see.

So looking ahead
from the now where you are,
you see a lot more, with a vision that’s far
more than ever you saw before
and life will open like a holy page
and all you see is expanding light
and never a feeling of fear or fright.

You have trusted for years
and openly walked the tracks of your story
in violet glory
and your body has healed,
seems miraculously,
but you know your mind has the energy
of peace and faith and glorious will
and you followed the miracles
until, until
there was never any hesitation
you arrived with no luggage
no judgment, no rules,
be in the present, believe all you see
and life is open continuously.

It’s the way we look at the things we see.
It’s leaving old illusions and becoming free.
It’s knowing there is no difficulty
for miracles happen serendipitously.

Going along is like going over
going under, going through
when you fly with faith
you are free to see miracles everywhere.
So there’s a golden handrail
as you glide over cliffs,
live each moment with angelic lifts,
and know hope floats as bluebirds sing,
whatever your heart opens to say,
there is always love in your everyday.

Written December 6, 2013
with a wonderfully fragrant stem of Japanese Honeysuckle

Opening Your Present

As we walk through our lives
at fast pace
or just glide,
there is always time
to sit by the path
and indeed, dear friend,
time to laugh.

When we feel that there’s
a rush to the line,
that it all seems
like we have no time,
we then crunch ourselves
as an object suppressed
and deprive our joy
and inhibit our rest.
Why do we do that?
Put ourselves last.
It comes from our patterns,
our histories past.
Please let me say,
as one who was there,
never again
will I compress my feelings
and jump so high
to reach every ceiling.

My life
is my time
to value myself,
to share compassion,
to live with heart,
to know anytime
is the time to start
to have gratitude
for your
inner core,
to know finding you
is the best gift there is,
a present
so profound
you will look around
and ask who it was
who gave this to you.

Believe me
dear soul
your life will be whole
when you open the gift
and lift yourself to deserve
peace in your being
and love in your cells,
time to listen
and hear joy-bells.

(Written on December 6, 2013)

Friday, December 6, 2013

Herbal Tea, The Skinks, Prince Frog and Me

Pink Yarrow  Achillea millefolium
I have looked at you
from my window view
and now we meet
and I certainly greet
your blooming colour
and morning tonic cuppa
of yarrow tea leaves
dear yarrow flower.

As evening comes
and the day 'twilights',
my wondering leads me over closer,
is that a whisper on the breeze
are all your flowers calling me?

Beautiful bright pink daisy clusters
and fern-like foliage
I find you ever so uplifting
and I am happy you are
growing skywards on Poppy’s grave
and healing me

Herbal tea is an acquired taste
of all the greens I do delight
sipping yarrow tea
once a day
as an ‘anti-inflammatory’
you’re healing me.

All that aside
I’m asking you
what you see
from where you are
and how’s our progress
so good? so far?
Well it is important to continue
following through
to cope with change
and understand there are days
when a step backwards
maintains balance
so never go full-speed-ahead
one step, then two
sit with your brew,
a daily tonic
is a herbalist cure
and caring is important
that’s for sure…..

You are good enough as you are,
grow with the changes
surrounding you
and rest is important
essential and wise,
sip yarrow tea
and soak up the skies.

The aura of blue
is surrounding you
and that is healing,
soft and gentle,
as each day passes
so Summer is coming
with some welcome warmth
and the skinks with their friendly faces
are sun-baking in the sheltered places.

These garden lizards
and your big pond frog
have a protected habitat
and their company surprises you
with frequent visits
and familiar greetings
you may enjoy daily meetings!

(The yarrow herbal tea is made from the fern-like leaves, and is a real tonic, to be taken only  when you need help 'soldiering-on'. Do not drink everyday, and do not drink more than one cup. It is helpful when recuperating from a viral illness.)

A Heartsong To Sing

Along the way
to where you’re going
will be some tears
sometime flowing,
there will be some times
when you’ll be grieving
for all that’s past
and all you’re leaving
and all the times
that are no more,
but that’s because
‘Now’ will be
to reach out further
and explore.

Explore yourself and how you feel
be yourself,
be so real,
that surprises shine in your days
and you will learn
another way
to live with heart,
to open wide,
times do often ebb and flow,
but here you are on this day
open to another way.

You’ve wept over the passing
of you little friend
and welcomed the lizards
to call this their home,
to play in the mulch amongst the plants
and all of nature
does enhance
your view of life
and what may come
when you ‘let go’
and ‘wait your time’
trusting in the spaces,
answers come
and ‘wild places’
come on over
walk through the arid-lands
walk through the parks
internally navigate
after dark.

Faith in the listening,
faith in the months,
faith in the ‘opening of long grieving hearts’
go through the adaption,
go through the mists,
talk to the frogs
like princes you’ll kiss.

Down every pathway
along wildflower trails
every song has a bridge
that leads on in,
so go there often
let wonderment bloom,
sunshine is streaming
and summers will come.

Hold hands with your loved ones
who watch over you,
let love fill your days
and warmth stream through,
let life come back
to the heart of your centre
let everything flow
with Spirit your mentor.
Time has a way
of arranging each day,
each moment will bring
a heart-song to sing.